ESAB Caddy TIG 2200i AC/DC is already a classic power source in the mobile welding equipment field. With the introduction of the Caddy™ Tig 2200i AC/DC series (TA34) and a full range of accessories, you will find the optimal solution for a wide range of TIG welding applications.
In both DC and AC mode this TIG welding machine will give an excellent arc strike and consistent, stable arc. All types of material and thickness up to 5mm can be welded with the highest quality.
One of the most important tasks of an AC TIG machine is to provide a stable arc. The Tig 2200i has the QWave™ function which optimises the AC wave
form to give a smooth arc and at the same time the lowest possible noise without compromising the weld result. This machine also has True AC rating.
The control panel Caddy™ TA34 AC/DC has all the necessary functions for TIG DC, AC/DC and MMA welding, all presented in an easy to understand layout. The control panel Caddy™ TA34 AC/DC is equiped the advanced functionality. AC Balance is the setting to control arc cleaning and penetration and AC Frequency setting is to control arc width.
It also has a setting to control Electrode preheating with a possibility to have different shapes of the electrode and at the same time provide better starts.
- Designed for quality TIG-welding in all types of material.
- Easy to use – all welding parameters presented in an easy to understand layout.
- QWave™- enables AC welding with high arc stability and low noise.
- AC frequency and balance control – optimises weld pool.
- Electrode preheating – excellent start and extended electrode lifetime
- ESAB 2-program function – possibility to preprogram and change program during actual welding.
- DC Pulsed TIG welding – easy control of heat input and the weld pool.
- DC Micro Pulse – minimize heat effected zone especially on thin sheets
- True MMA welding characteristics in AC and DC mode – Hot start, Arc force, and polarity switch (DC)