ESAB OK48.08 Hydrogen Controlled Electrode E7018-G is an LMA electrode with very good mechanical properties suitable for demanding applications, such as offshore.
The weld metal contains approximately 1% Ni for high impact values down to -40°C. The coating is of the latest LMA type for optimum resistance to porosity and hydrogen cracking. OK 48.08 is CTOD tested.
ABS; 3Y H5; CE; EN 13479; DB; 10.039.31; DNV-GL; 4 Y40H5; LR; 4Y40m H5; NAKS/HAKC; 2.5-5.0 mm; RS; 4Y H5; VdTÜV; 05778
SFA/AWS A5.5; E7018-G; EN ISO 2560-A; E 46 5 1Ni B 32 H5
ESAB OK48.08 Hydrogen Controlled Electrode E7018-G Data Sheet