ESAB OK67.70 Stainless Steel Electrode is an acid rutile MMA-electrode giving an over alloyed weld metal. Suitable for welding acid resistant stainless steels to mild and low alloyed steels.
Also suitable for welding buffer layers when surfacing mild steel with acid resistant stainless steel weld metal.
ABS; SS to C&C/Mn steels; BV; 309Mo; CE; EN 13479; CWB; CSA W48: E309LMo-17; DB; 30.039.05; DNV-GL; VL 309 Mo; LR; SS/CMn; RINA; 309Mo; Seproz; UNA 272580; VdTÜV; 02424
EN ISO 3581-A; E 23 12 2 L R 3 2; SFA/AWS A5.4; E309LMo-17; CSA W48; E309LMo-17; Werkstoffnummer; 1.4459