An Exothermic Lance Kit is necessary for the safe operation of a Thermic Lance. This Handle is suitable for 6.0 & 10mm and 1/4 & 3/8 Thermic Lances.
Some common applications of Exothermic Lances are:
- The cutting up of Large Metal Castings or Frozen masses of metals (spills)
- De-slagging of Furnace outlets and maintenance
- The removal of stubborn plugs and pins out of Heavy Machinery
- The removal of Hard facing material, to replace new parts
- For removal of large metal beams/structures in Demolition
- Cutting down large metal objects for Scrap purposes
- Underwater: The cutting of metal objects underwater
Exothermic Lance Kit Details
- New design Mini Thermic Lance Handle
- Handle to suit 6.0 – 10.0mm (1/4 – 3/8) Lances
- Lance Spatter Shield
- Oxygen hose (5 metre)
- Spare locking rubbers
- Y-Piece attachment
- Lance Igniter Tube & Wick
- Fume mask
- Thermic Lance Gloves
- Information and instruction sheets included
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