
ESAB OK 48.04 Hydrogen Controlled Electrode E7018 is an AC/DC, general purpose, LMA electrode for welding mild and low-alloy steels.

It has very good welding properties and deposits a high quality weld metal with very good mechanical properties. The electrode can be used for welding restrained structures where high welding stresses cannot be avoided.


ABS; E7018; ABS; 3Y H5; BV; 3Y H5; CE; EN 13479; DNV-GL; 3 YH5; LR; 3Ym H15; NAKS/HAKC; 2.5-5.0 mm; PRS; 3Y H5; RS; 3Y H5; Seproz; UNA 272580


SFA/AWS A5.1; E7018; EN ISO 2560-A; E 42 4 B 32 H5

ESAB OK 48.04 Hydrogen Controlled Electrode Data Sheet